Where is the Land? Why the location is of great value.

The land is adjacent to 135 Winson Green Rd, Birmingham B18 4AW, Birmingham ,West Midlands. The land is located near the city hospital and it is adjacent to the news agent corner shop.  The area is very close to the centre and also close to main key amenities. The future expansion of Birmingham is bound to make this land a long term good investment in any case.

The land is in a popular residential area. Highly trafficked on Winson green road and residential on the other side (peel street). Also Winson Green Rd is highly trafficked, this is the reason for the news agent to be facing Winson green road and also any development on the land will benefit from this high traffic exposure.


About the Land and its benefits.

The land benefits from explicit easements to access the land with moving vehicles from peel street. This is an important easement which allows to make full use of the property.


About third party right of access. 

The land has no third party right of access in the title and this is very important if and when planning permission is granted. This also allows the land to be fenced up in its entirety.


About Easements required for a new built.

Please note that independent legal advise has to be sought about this matter. Our research shows that as along as there are services through the land they can be tapped into (connected without easements). Also there is a piece of pavement maintained by the council on peel street side and if there are services running through this part of the pavement the services maybe tapped into it without the need for explicit easement.


About parking. 

We believe there is plenty of parking available in the are therefore in the design proposed there is no allowance for off street parking, hoever this can be make available by simply utilizing the ground floor as off street parking the

Our preferred use. HMO residential.

One of the uses we prefer is residential. This is because the area is in very high residential demand and this demand given the location is inevitably destined to increase over time. Additionally this being a detached building it would make it suitable for a specialised HMO building in a non student area.

About the different

Frequently asked questions.

Are the pathways on the property both yours?

The property is as outlined in the title deeds. There is a right of access to the land though moving vehicles and on foot included in the deeds.

How long have you had this property for?

We purchased the land in August 2018.

What access would the adjacent shop need?

The shop needs full access to the property in order to access the shop from the back with moving vehicles. We checked that there is no easements of access through the land to the owner of the shop. Therefore this land is of great value to the shop owner. We can and will if we keep the property fence it because we are in our right to do so and there is no right of passage anywhere in the title.

There is plenty of on street car parking in the area. Therefore the project does not include off street parking. However there are technical solutions to make parking available onsite. This can be done by making the ground floor the cr park and the upper floors living accommodation.

We will be applying for a multi story HMO.

Why building a purpose HMO in the area? A purpose built HMO allows several advantages versus a converted building.

Often the converted building has not the best features for an efficient conversion.

It is very unlikely the converted building will have weelchair friendly access.

This is the only way to build a dream Housing in multiple occupation. Each Room is going to be en-suite and with a very large Dining kitchen.  Also the purpose build will allow to have features which no other converted building or house can ever have. .Access to each floor is though a staircase as well as lift to allow disabled access to the building. Also the size of the corridors can be made disabled friendly so that disabled people can also benefit from this type of accommodation. It is currently not viable for a disabled person to find suitable accommodation in the area within an HMO.

Why attantion to Disabled is important and it is of benefit to disabled. This is because the HMO allows the disabled to be in daily contact with others in the house and provides socialising opportunities that would not be possible otherwise. the

The building will be a 8 storei building

Why building a purpose HMO in the area?. The demand in the area is high and increasing. Also the area in up and coming and we strongly believe that it will be in high demand in the near future to increase demand in housing. Also there appear to be a complete lack of purpose buit HMO in the area, whjich is not a student area. The economics of the HMO will allow the investment to be fruitful even if the Building an

The size of each en suite as