When, We start the ARC what happens in the transition period? When we start the arc, it will not reach to its final value sharply due to transition Period under which the growth is exponential and, then after a few milliseconds, it goes to 80 to100% of its nominal value.
The same thing happens when we switch the ARC OFF. The arc will not switch OFF immediately. It will require a bit of time to switch off the arc. In that particular time, arc value will continuously decreases.
So basically to give you an idea, we’re going to explain the right-hand graph. let’s say when we switch ON the arc at (Fig 1 Point A), the arc quickly starts in the order of 10 to 20 milliseconds (Fig 1 Point A). Aftert 20-115 milliseconds , we reach into the valley which is only a fraction of the final value.
After continuously moving in the different region of milliseconds, at last, we will reach to almost maximum value approximately.
The same thing happens at the OFF time. In the OFF time, When we turn off the device, it will continue sparking for a little time in the region of 100 milliseconds or less. The arc doesn’t switch OFF straightaway. It will require a bit of time to switch off the arc. In that particular time, arc value will continuously decreases.