These are devices made in China, we have added our guarantee and customer service to these products. Please note that you can purchase them inexpensively from Ebay, Amazon and other portals. The main issue is that there is no training, proper manual nor support for these units if you buy them from other sources. If you find other devices online which you would like us to supply let us know and we may add them to this list.


General Characteristics

Price Ex VAT

With Areton LTD Support and Training

Monthly Rental including VAT

Including Areton LTD support

Key Terms

Two Power level plasma device. 

Two power levels.

Device Code A1


Training and support for three months.

30 day return policy. No refunds thereafter.

US$290 one off set up fee including first month rent.

US$29 Per Calendar Month thereafter. Roll in contract, pay as you go.

Rent Here.

Full refund if returned within a month.

Training certificate and monthly  attendance to our golden plasma online training.

Three Power Level

3 Power Levels


Device Code A2


Training and support for three months.

30 day return policy. No refunds thereafter.

US$90 one off set up fee including first month rent.

US$29 Per Calendar Month thereafter. Roll in contract, pay as you go.

Rent Here.

Full refund if returned within a month.

Training certificate and monthly  attendance to our golden plasma online training.

Multi power level Plasma Pen

MultiPower Level.

Device A3


Training and support for three months.

30 day return policy. No refunds thereafter.

US$90 one off set up fee including first month rent.

US$29 Per Calendar Month thereafter. Roll in contract, pay as

you go.

Rent Here.

Full refund if returned within a month.

Training certificate and monthly  attendance to our golden plasma online training.

Six Power Level

Six Power Levels

Device A4


Training and support for three months.

30 day return policy. No refunds thereafter.

US$90 one off set up fee including first month rent.

US$29 Per Calendar Month thereafter. Roll in contract, pay as you go.

Rent Here.

Full refund if returned within a month.

Training certificate and monthly  attendance to our golden plasma online training.

5 Power Levels

5 Power Levels

Device A5


Training and support for three months.

30 day return policy. No refunds thereafter.

US$90 one off set up fee including first month rent.

US$29 Per Calendar Month thereafter. Roll in contract, pay as you go.

Rent Here.

Full refund if returned within a month.

Training certificate and monthly  attendance to our golden plasma online training

5 power levels plasma pen

5 Power Levels



Training and support for three months.

30 day return policy. No refunds thereafter.

US$90 one off set up fee including first month rent.

US$29 Per Calendar Month thereafter. Roll in contract, pay as you go.

Rent Here.

Full refund if returned within a month.

Training certificate and monthly  attendance to our golden plasma online training

Please note that we cannot guarantee the efficacy of these products. We provide any training and support based on the assumtion that they operate as intended by the original manufactures.