What is HiFU?


HiFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound). IT was first used in MEdicine to destroy cancer and malignant tissues. It is also used in aesthetics as a safe, non-surgical treatment that counteracts the effects of time and gravity on your skin.  HiFU uses the body’s own regenerative response to gently and gradually lift skin due to the collagen regeneration induced by the treatment and smooth lines and wrinkles on the décolletage.

Hifu also uses the power of Ultrasound to safely lift and tighten skin. Ultrasound is a form of energy that is significantly different than light such as IPL and Lasers or Electrical (Radio-Frequency) energy. Hifu protects the skin surface, whilst precisely penetrating at deeper depths and higher temperatures than Radio Frequency, for example, treating beyond the Dermis and Foundation layers, where structural skin weakening starts due to ageing.

Tissue at the target point is heated to ~90°C, Thermal Heat is created with the skin tissue creating both spaced ‘wounds’ and cellular friction – which in turn promotes collagen regeneration. Over the next 90-180 days, the wound-healing response stimulates long-term tissue and leads to further lifting and tightening, with results that can last years.


What is unique about HIFU?

HiFU is the only non-invasive treatment that actually lifts skin “from within”. This is because it targets also the lower layers of your skin. With the addition of the new HiFU Treatment, HiFU is also now a non-invasive procedure specifically designed to improve lines and wrinkles as well as body contouring.



How does HiFU differ from laser treatments?

HiFU uses sound energy – tried-and-true ultrasound – which has unique properties that allow it to bypass the surface of the skin to treat depths not matched by any other non-invasive cosmetic device. HiFU ultrasound stimulates collagen production in the skin’s foundation, resulting in a clinically significant lift of tissue over 2-3 months.

Lasers rely on light energy, which cannot reach deeper skin layers at an optimal temperature, so laser treatments typically only treat superficial skin and are not designed to lift skin. Since the two technologies often treat different types of skin issues, they’re actually very compatible.

How does HIFU stimulate the creation of collagen?

HIFU deposits focused ultrasound energy deep beneath the skin at the optimal temperature for collagen regeneration. The treatment jumpstarts a natural process, known as neocollagenesis, to produce fresh, new collagen. HiFU does not involve any creams, fillers or toxins; it just relies on your body’s own collagen-building process for natural, noticeable results.


How long does an HiFU treatment take?

The length of the treatment will depend on the area being treated and your individual treatment plan. A face and neck procedure typically takes 60-90 minutes, while smaller areas can take approximately 30 minutes.

Will I need to take time off?

With HiFU, there is no downtime. After your procedure, you can resume your normal activities immediately, without having to follow any special post-treatment measures.

What does the HiFU treatment feel like?

As the ultrasound energy is delivered, you will feel tiny amounts of energy being deposited to precise depths, indicating that the collagen-building process has been initiated. Comfort levels vary from person to person, some people can feel slight discomfort others can tolerate it well, but this sensation mainly lasts while the ultrasound energy is being delivered.

After the treatment, a slight tingling effect can be felt and last for a few days to later subside on its own.

When will I see results? How long do they last?

After your HIFU Treatment, you may see some initial effect, but the ultimate results will take place over 3-6 months, as your body naturally regenerates collagen. Since the procedure stimulates your own collagen production, how long the results last really depends on you. The treatment produces new collagen on the inside, but your natural aging process will dictate how long that translates into visible results on the outside.

How many HIFU treatments will I need?

Most patients only need one treatment. However, based on the degree of skin laxity, the biological response to ultrasound energy and the individual’s collagen-building process, some patients benefit from additional treatments. Because skin continues to age, future touch-up treatments can help patients keep pace with the body’s natural aging process.

Are there any side effects?

The skin might appear flushed at first, but the redness should disappear within a few hours. Some people experience slight swelling, tingling or tenderness to the touch, but these are temporary in nature. Other, less common post-procedural effects may include temporary bruising or numbness on small areas of skin. As with any medical procedure, there is the possibility for other rare effects, which your practitioner will review with you.